The organization, in collaboration with the Bokaa West Lands farmers (now A re Chencheng Community Society) embarked on various initiatives for social welfare and community development. These included; crime prevention foot patrols, anti- stock theft advocacy, farm to farm public education, anti- poaching awareness, clean up campaign, anti illegal harvesting of natural resources (i.e. firewood, pit sand, river sand and other natural resources), anti-illegal immigrants awareness, anti-corruption and economic crime public education. The organization held an information, training and empowerment workshop with relevant law enforcement officers.

Pillar of Hope further launched a program dubbed ‘I AM ERADICATING CRIME IN THE WILDERNESS, YOU TOO HELP ME. Setswana: KE FEDISA BORUKHUTLHI MO NAGENG, LE WENA NTHUSE’ with the aim of eradicating crime in the wilderness.

The Guest Speaker at the launch was the Assistant Commissioner- CID and the following Government Departments took part and gave presentations during the launch:

  • Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime
  • Department Of Forestry and Nature Resources
  • Department Of Wildlife and Tourism
  • Botswana Police Service (BPS)
  • The organization further held an Information Training and empowerment workshop in 2013 dubbed “IGNORANCE OF THE LAW; A CRIME OR NOT? Facilitators and resource persons were from the following Government Departments:

  • Department of Waste Management and Pollution Control
  • Vision 2016 Council
  • Department of Mines
  • Botswana Police Service