Since its inception, one of the Pillar of Hope's priority areas has been working closely with children and advocating for children's rights and responsibilities. The Founder of the Pillar of Hope organization began this organization as a child hence the issues surrounding children are ones closest to her heart.

For the past years, the organization has been assisting children who are vulnerable children and orphaned, child refugees, child beneficiaries through the Red Cross society, childcare centers, children who have been neglected and their rights trampled upon, children living with disabilities and all children whose needs may differ. Through raising awareness and policy advocacy Pillar of Hope has held a capacity building workshops on ‘know the Children’s Act’ across five districts in Botswana. Furthermore, the organization has undertaken a campaign ‘donate a pad’, addressing period poverty disproportionately affecting adolescent girls from disadvantaged backgrounds. The organization has further influenced the enacting of the Children’s Act of 2009, to ensure that children Human rights and responsibilities are protected, the revising of the penal code to increase the age of consent (to sexual activity) to further protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation, among others.

The organization undertook a campaign that sought to raise funds in an effort to purchase sanitary towels for adolescent girls from disadvantaged backgrounds. This was a response to addressing period poverty disproportionately affecting adolescent girls from disadvantaged backgrounds. The organization further, advocated urging the Ministry of Health, Department of Social Services and Ministry of Basic Education.